Special Topic in Chemical Engineering

ChE471 Special Topic in Chemical Engineering (3:3,1)-Elective Course


Course Description

The course is designed to give to the chemical engineering student's additional dose in specific topics that needed today and not covered in the student curriculum.


Course Prerequisite(s):           CHE 334


Prerequisite knowledge           Organic Chemistry

           Polymer Technology

           Materials Science


Textbook:                               Instructor Handout


Introduction to polymers, by R. J. Young, Chapman & Hall Publishers, 2nd ed.

Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering, by Arie Ram, Plenum Press, NewYork.

Principles of Polymer Engineering, by N. G. McCrum, C. P. Buckley and C. B. Bucknall, Oxford Science publications, 1989.

Textbook of Polymer Science, by F. W. Billmeyer, A wiley-interscience Publication, 3rd ed.

Polymers: Chemistry & Physics of modern materials, by J. M. G. Cowie, Published by international Textbook Company Limited, 1973.

Engineering with polymers, by P. C. Powell, Chapman & Hall Publishers, 1st ed.1992.


Course Leaning Objectives:

By completion of the course, the students should be able to:


Define the basic vocabulary of polymer degradation.

List and explain the different types of polymer degradation.

Recognize the effect of polymer degradation on the structure of polymeric materials.

Define thermal degradation.

Write the degradation mechanism.

Explain how polymeric materials can be protected from thermal degradation.

Define radiation degradation.

Write the degradation mechanism.

Explain how polymeric materials can be protected from radiation degradation.

Define chemical degradation.

Write the degradation mechanism.

Explain how polymeric materials can be protected from chemical degradation.

Define mechanical degradation.

Write the degradation mechanism.

Explain how polymeric materials can be protected from mechanical degradation.

Define the biodegradation.

Write the degradation mechanism.

Define the basic vocabulary of rubber technology.

Write the rubber ingredients normally needed for the mix.

Illustrate the fillers that can be added to the rubber mix and there effect on the physical and mechanical properties.

Describe the advantage and disadvantage of different curing systems.

Define the sulphurless vulcanization and there effect on the physical and mechanical properties.

Illustrate the accelerator activators that can be added to the rubber mix, and there effect on the physical and mechanical properties.

Define chemical protection and there effect on the physical and mechanical properties.

Illustrate miscellaneous ingredients that can be added to the rubber mix, and there effect on the physical and mechanical properties.

List and explain the compounding and mixing process and there effect on the physical and mechanical properties.

Define the vulcanization Stages

Illustrate vulcanization conditions and its effect on the mechanical properties of polymeric materials.

Describe Relation between physical properties and degree of crosslinking.

Explain the effect of crosslink structure on the physical properties of vulcanizates.

Define the Difference between vulcanization properties of NR and synthetic rubber.

Define Physical testing of rubbers

Write and speak with effective communication skills through group work, class participation and in preparation of class projects.

Develop an expertise in team problem solving

Match the academic integrity issues.


Topic Covered During Class:

Introduction to Polymer Degradation.        1        week

Thermal Degradation.                                1        week

Radiation Degradation.                              1        week

Chemical Degradation.                               2        week

Mechanical Degradation.                            1        week

Biodegradation.                                         1        week

Introduction to Rubber Technology.          3        week

Forming in rubber industry.                       1        week

Mechanical properties of rubber                1        week

Vulcanization                                            1        week

Mechanical Testing.                                  1        week


Course Schedule:

Lecture:                Three one Hour sessions per week

Tutorials:             One 3.0 Hours session per week


Course Contribution to Professional Component:

Engineering Science:                3 Credit Hours or 100%

Last Updated:                          0 Credit Hour or 0%


Prepared by:                            Prof. A. A. Wazzan

Last Updated:                          May 2008

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5/1/2008 9:03:11 PM